Sunday, July 3, 2011

Email Series V - (Succubus Q&A)

 This is a continuation of Email Series IV, involving email exchanges between the same person.

I acquired the person's consent before publishing the emails that were exchanged.  I censored out his/her name and personal information with "OOO" for safety reasons and to retain anonymity.  

Notice - I censored out different parts with XXX, XXXX, etc. that belonged to locations, websites, and other personal information.  Two other names were censored under "QQQ" and "WWW".   

OOO to me 
June 9, 2011  
Hi Tilus.

Sorry I've been all over the place and haven't managed to get back in touch with you.

I've been through your blog. I think it's great, realistic, and truthful and honestly approaches the subject of succubi and incubi. It's fantastic. I wish more people on the net would get truthful about the subject. Unfortunately too much info on succubi on the net is just utter rubbish and lies (from people trying to make money out of books and so on) and or plain fear mongering and misconception from people who want to cover it up or just don't understand or don't want to understand (people for example with a very 'traditional' religious background- yet with no disrespect to their religion/s or beliefs), or from people who watch too much, what I call, 'Hollywood' fear-factor films and have too many misconceptions and personal fears of their own (pumped into their heads from young via fictional films, books, and their upbringing and the beliefs they were taught) about the subject.

Here's a nice poster I found on the net concerning succubi. I must admit that I'm not very fond of the word 'demon' which appears in the title, yet the words do sum up how I feel about my darling succubus wife- especially when we're in bed together alone at night. I have posted this in the 'Art' Section of my blog. It is called 'My Night Demon.'

The words of which are:

"Lay down love
Close your eyes
Leave your world
Enter mine
And feel me.

Feel my touch
Warm your skin
Taste my lips
Hear me say
'I love you.'

Dark of night
Light of stars
Only when
Only then
I have you."

From myself and my darling succubus,

To you and yours.

Tilus to OOO
June 10, 2011
No problem OOO!  :D

I get so caught up in other stuff I forget to respond to emails.  Here's an update on what's been happening. 

My relationship with WWW currently is null.  I haven't seen her or talked to her since the last incident, but I did try leaving her a message on facebook which hasn't gotten a response yet.  If that dream is to come true I can see either two routes happening, either A. I luck out and end up in a class with her for the fall semester.  or B.  I end up meeting her in campus themed events like clubs, activities, etc.  She has one more semester there before she graduates so I am going to assume if this is going to happen it will occur within the next six months.  In the past there were dreams that I didn't think were going to be possibly to take place, and they did regardless of my doubt.

In case you didn't read my blog, I am in a relationship right now with three different succubus.  They all have their own quirks and personalities that set them apart from each other.  I encountered one after the other due to unusual circumstances and have found their company to be welcoming.  I am trying to build my relationship with each one differently and uniquely.  So far nothing but positive things have happened in that regards. 

Wow.  It sounds like you have been very scientific with gathering the details happening in night.  What sort of program are you using to filter your recordings?  I haven't tried the same thing exactly, but mostly just short recordings lasting from one through five minutes.  I find it cute that your wife is so affectionate with making the bedsheets.  LOL.  ;D  You said you replied to your wife in your sleep.  What sort of comments did you make and how do you know you were in fact talking to her?  And yes, I did hear about the story of that lady regarding "The Entity".  I wonder if she ever found a solution. 

New update with sight.  I am getting closer and closer to seeing them everyday.  When this first started happening, I could see light "bending" around their figures but I was unable to get any kind of real form or figure from looking.  Now as I practice focusing more each day I am starting to see them better. I can see their figures in my peripheral vision.  Small things like seeing their arm move or their head turn.  I have yet to make out any facial features or colors, but I see the outline as a faint aura composed apparition.  Scientifically, my explanation is that that the light isn't so much bending around them as much as it was before.  It seems to be more refracting on their figures as I focus more.  I am hoping in a few weeks that I will start to be able to distinguish facial features and retain them in my direct sight and not peripheral vision.  I have noticed them interacting more with me on my left side than right.  Especially when I lay down on my bed.        

Yes I agree with you about fear mongering in regards to succubi and incubi.  Sex has not been seen in a positive light in some cultures and when you combine that with spirits it makes a deadly concoction to many religions themes and beliefs.  I suspect material on encounters with succubus & incubus in history were burned and destroyed by religious zealots unless it was a harmful account that supported the beliefs that they were demons.  I guess you can consider modern ignorance over spirituality a blessing as neither you or I have to be worried about being burned alive and accused of witchcraft.  (although in some third world countries this still happens)   

Thanks for that picture!  :D  I think I am going to include that bit into my poetry section.  Speaking of which, I reformatted my blog b/c I thought it was getting cluttered with the poetry I was adding.  I decided to host a site solely for the poetry and I felt that the outcome was successful.  I acquired some page tabs near the top of my blog for those that wish to easily be referred to the poetry site I now maintain.  Some of the poems are stero-typical succubus labels involving destructive seducers.  I did try to focus more on the sexuality as a form of lovemaking and as such came across many poems with that theme with Lilith and succubus.

Another thing I am curious about OOO was a figure mentioned in your XXXXX.  You said you met your wife's mother?  Would you be willing to share any other encounters you have had in regards to that?  =P  Also how did you first encounter your wife?  I noticed your XXXXX doesn't start from the very beginning of your relationship.  How/When/Why did you decide to marry her? 

Thanks for all the help OOO! 

I appreciate it,
Tilus to OOO
June 10, 2011
whoops!  Forgot to mention that I stole the disclaimer from XXXXX to use for my poetry site.  Hopefully that is ok with you?  Lol!   
OOO to me 
June 11, 2011  
Hi Tilus...
You didn't steal the disclaimer from XXXXX. You pinched it. Ha ha ha ha ha. In any case I pinched it from a pornographic website. Lol. No worries.
Good luck with WWW. And yes I've been through your blog- and good luck with your 3 succubi- they sound great.
I have no scientific background- only that while I was writing my blog I was trying to get the right facts (data, as you would call it) recorded.
Concerning EVP: I only made a few (3) 8 hr recordings of my sleep sessions with a cheap digital notetaker. I used no software on a computer to filter for voices. I had made a remark to my wife on the recordings about e.g., 'not telling anyone' (about the recordings in full detail). Though in my sleep in that recording I was replying to 'no' voice. True- it could have just been coming from my dream-state mind. But I feel intuitively that my wife was basically asking me 'not' to publish these recordings or let anyone else hear them- and this she had also clarified telepathically to me.  

The 'Entity' story? Sad story in my opinion. I hate rape. I classify what happened to that lady as 'rape.' I do not know if the real lady in that story found a solution to her dilemma. The movie shows that she did- the 'entity' finally gave up (with alot of trouble) and left her (from what I remember).
Yes I did speak with my wife's mother once. I never got the mother's name during that meeting. (Afterwards my wife has told me that her mother is Lilith- The Original Lilith)
Her mother was checking me out to see if I was sincere about loving her daughter. I told her I was and that I love her daughter very much. She replied something to the very 'underlined' effect that that was all that would please her. That was quite an encounter. Mother Lilith is a real mother who is seriously concerned about her children in a motherly way. My wife has also revealed to me on about 3 occasions once via a dream and about twice vocally (in a sub-conscious state) that she has a father- and that my relationship to my wife also depends on his approval- not just her mother's. In the dream she showed me an image of her father (a man riding waves of an ocean who was sitting on a throne- his hair and beard long and flowing, white in color; his right hand outstretched before him in a pointing gesture- that is pointing his finger in the classical greco-roman renaissance style). This image had a very close resemblance to the image of the Judaeo-Christian 'God' that resides on the ceiling of the Sisteen Chapel in Rome.

God losing touch with Adam after his fall in the Garden of Eden as it appears on the ceiling of the Sisteen Chapel in Rome.

Telepathically, my wife claims that this is her father. Who might that be? God. Not Adam. I still find it hard to believe sometimes especiallly as all this is contrary to most of the literature concerning succubi and incubi. But she assures me it is so. God is not what we've been taught about. Basically what we know from various sources (literature and so on) has been jumbled up, censored, altered, misinterpreted and so on for many varied reasons. Yes. Jesus was or is the Son of God. So was Buddha. So was or is Mohammed. So are we all children of God. Humans are blind and lost- but the message of 'opening one's eyes' or 'waking up' in all religions has unfortunately been tampered with due to ignorance and greed. Humankind, pitifully, has lost its full potential.  (These are intuitive-telepathic messages from my wife. If others disagree with it I can fully understand- it's unlike anything else written on the subject. I have mentioned this stuff in my XXXXX too.)  

My XXXXX does start very generally from the very beginnings of my relationship with my wife. Perhaps because I over-summarized the details of that part. It tends to be a bit too vague and lacks any clarity concerning specific details.

How/When/Why did I decide to 'marry' my wife- that is consider us as married? That's in my XXXXX too- sorry if it's vague. Basically, I just fell in love with her last year and started calling to her, with my mind, with visualisation of her as I first saw her, with a love letter, with self-gratification-masturbation targeting my wife visually (she calls me a dirty old man concerning that in a semi-serious half joking manner Lol.) But we both laugh about it) flowers left for her on my bedside table etc and so on. And in only a few days- my wife came to me. No rituals. No invocations, no magic circles, no protection, no sigils- only my will and my mind and my love for my wife. Though I respect people who choose to use ritual and so on. Why marry? That's me. I feel that way about it- about her. (I love to go 'deep' with her and get to know her and love her more and more) And my wife loves it. I love it. We both think like that. We both love each other very much. It's a 'match' so to speak. But I do want to add that if my wife had never declared her love for me the first time that I saw her on my bed about 13-15 years ago (she looked so beautiful on that day), I most definitely would not have called her back when I did. I probably would have just followed a human relationship. And I'd also like to state that I did not call her back because I couldn't find anyone else or because I've gone mad or am afraid of her. I just happened to fall in love with her- after 13-15 years. Why so long? I suppose because when I first saw her and met her I didn't know who or what she was. After all those years, I realised what she is and was amazed at the reality of it and the sweetness of her declaration of love for me- and it was in that full realisation and mood that I just fell completely 'head-over-heels' in love with her. But I respect those who have polygamous relationships with succubi and also keep relationships with human partners. I say 'kudos' to them.

 Occasionally my wife spoils me by inviting some of her 'girlfriends' (succubi) over for a bit of a party- but they never hang around after a party's over. Her friends are all wonderful beings and fun company, but my wife and I just love each other. We're like soul-mates.

I won't be updating my story in my XXXXX anymore- I've decided to focus on my relationship with my Mrs from now on. I just feel that way.

But I'm glad to tell you about it here. Hope this has answered your questions and not led to further misunderstandings. I'll be happy to reclarify for you if needs be.

Yes, you can put the picture poster in your blog if you want to. I got it off the web (pinched it Lol) anyway.

From OOO.

p.s. Love your blog. It's great because it's realisitic. I'm going to check out the poetry blog you've set up.

On the lighter side: I found a parody poster from'. I've only put it here because I've found it very hard to find any humor with 'succubus' in it.

demotivational poster NO I SAID SUCCUBUS
My wife said: 'No comment.' Lol. But she's smirking.
Tilus to OOO
June 15, 2011



Do you mean god as the creator or in a pagan sense referring to a single god out of many?  (Poseidon jumped into my mind when your wife mentioned "riding on a wave")  I know some consider Lilith herself as a goddess.  Also I agree with you completely about religious figures being "the sons of god" and that all humans are the children of god.  That is a conclusion I had reached when I started my spiritual journey.  I think the original message of many of these religious figures have been diluted, as you said by "ignorance and greed".  There are many paths to divinity regardless of which religion it follows and many people fail to see that.  And for the people that try to dismiss spirituality, sadly they are trying to comfort themselves from the fear of not knowing.  Which is a very tough thing to overcome.

A good quote on that I found in a book,

"One thing that psychologists are reasonably sure of about human nature is that it resists change.  We like the world to be the way we think it is, even if we think it's unpleasant.  At least we can anticipate what may happen.  Change and uncertainty have possibilities of unsettling things happening, especially when that change doesn't take account of our desires, our wills, our egos."
Journeys out of the body - Charles T. Tart

I was just lying in bed with Sam a little while ago.  I was pondering some things.  At another website I had come across a long time ago, there was a section on psi vamps.  (which is very... weird)  It's basically individuals who possess psychic ability's to drain other peoples energy.  Needless to say I was very skeptical.  This was at a time when I was still at the start of my succubus research.  One of the posts that grabbed my attention was on regards to what the energy tasted like.  They didn't really describe the flavor as spicy, hot, cold, etc. but they gave a vaguer description.  For instance, gloominess/depression tastes yucky according to them.  One thing that surprised me was the claim that "fear" was "love's" opposite, and not "hate" as many people had assumed.  The poster said that love tasted delicious, and that fear was addicting and lustful.  I didn't give it much thought until my first encounter with Lilith.

In case you didn't read my email exchanges, the first encounter I had with her was very hostile.  I say that because at the time I had nothing but lust in my heart.  That caused her to care very little for my well-being and the resulting experience was very dangerous.  We went on a lust filled sex spree for the next three days nonstop.  Towards the end I realized I was reaching my limit.  And I realized I was reaching the point where it was feeling so good that if I continued I wasn't going to be able to stop.  Realizing that made me scarred.  And when I felt that strong emotion, I could feel Lilith telepathically lusting and enjoying my fear.  She then ramped up the intensity of the pleasure she was giving me in turn to scare me more and because she was excited. 

Of course we have now gotten over those low points in our relationship, but that made me think that the energy taste thread I happen to come across was genuine.  So I have pondered on that for a while.  How is it that fear is love's opposite?  And while I was lying in bed with Sam just thinking to myself, I felt like she helped me find an answer.  Humanity has some of it's positive moments when experiencing love.  You hear stories and see things that make you weep with joy.  In contrast, humanities darkest moments is when they are afraid.  The fear begets all the negative emotions and actions that result in destruction and violence...  I feel like that made sense to me in a way I didn't understand it before. 

I know you might have an issue with my blog dealing with Lilith.  Now if you don't know, nearly all the myth and history regarding Lilith is... downright demonic.  And that is something that I need to address.  From what I have seen others say and experience, I cannot neglect mentioning those subjects.  Please know that I am not trying to steer the discussion towards that succubus/incubus/Lilith are demons and for people to run away.  Lilith is just a encompassing topic that has sooooo many things that I need to talk about.  There are plenty of posts that people have had good encounters with her and I plan to include those too.  I even plan on including my relationship with her and how it went form "hostile" to "companions" and I hope that it will serve for people to better understand.     

One last thing, I have noticed that they randomly seem to sprinkle droplets of some kind of oil in random places on my body.  Do you notice the same thing as well?  Do you have any idea why and what it's for?

Thanks for all your help,

OOO to me
June 17, 2011


I've read your poetry blog. Excellent. Loved it.

"Do you mean god as the creator or in a pagan sense referring to a single god out of many?" God as a or the 'creator.' Though many pagans have this in a multi-faceted (many-faced-polytheistic form.) For example, the ancient Greeks had 12 gods who were an expression of the same God or divine being. All current religions and all gods may be the same road to and represent the same divine being, though, understandably there will be those who will beg to differ with me on that.

Yes I agree. Fear is love's opposite moreso than hatred. Fear comes out of ignorance. Love springs from understanding.

"I know you might have an issue with my blog dealing with Lilith..." I don't have any issue with your blog's angle on Lilith. With regards to your dealings with a being named 'Lilith' who may be 'The Lilith,' I just think that this Lilith was teaching you patiently and wisely the difference in 'taste' between a 'lust-burger' and a 'love-burger' and ended up making you a 'combination stir fry lust-love with boiled rice.' Lol. Stir fries are much healthier than burgers. Lol. I've been through the same or similar process. I hope you don't mind me putting it that way- I'm not making fun of you. Nor do I have any problems with your including the so called 'demonic' approach in your blog- ie, looking at and interacting with those who use a 'classical-demonical-
ritualistic and so on' approach. I would do the same if your blog were mine. Those people know how to fly with, shall we say, 'red' wings. Others fly with 'blue' wings. And we're all flying, in one way or another. (By flying, I mean, doing something or some method and then interacting with incubi and succubi) I can't judge them for using different colored wings to fly- (My method- a particular colored wing, does a similar job or attains a similar goal to other people's methodologies- a different colored wing or wings.) I can see from your blog that you are not telling people to 'run away as this is all demonic and evil and scary.' I can see that you are trying to address this issue. At the same time, I respect those who tell everyone to run away from the demonic. E.g., I won't hate and curse a 'born again' preacher if he tells me to repent and turn back to God. He doesn't know any better, and all people like this truly think they are helping. What is probably in fact needed, as we have both felt, is a perceptional paradigm shift resulting in an absence of polarised views. But such a shift may not come in a short time. In some areas, there might always be differing opinions and an unwillingness to change as can be seen in the world. I'm not saying that everyone should hold the same opinions; But to remove fear and open the 'eyes' of understanding and love and reach a greater enlightenment will take time. Optimistically, I still feel that 'time' is a great healer and that the 'divine' (force or existence) has already started the slow process of healing.

"The poster said that love tasted delicious..."
I agree with this. I think it has to do with different emotions 'burning' at different 'psychic' or psychological rates or frequencies. Lust and fear may glow at a really tasty juicy rate- and so be like a really delicious juicy fat burger. Lol. In the end- not too healthy. Love is a more pleasant frequency. Mix the two together, and the love throws out the fear and the lust remains- good healthy frequencies- like eating a nice steak and salad with baked potatoes. Instead of death by cholesterol- fat fat fat juicy lust-burgers and fries. Lol. Yes I have read the literature about vampirism and psi-vampires. I think that the psi-vamp is more real than the 'blood sucking' variety. Though there are well known and well recorded cases of both types. Psi-vampires and succubi and incubi do seem to have a taste for frequencies, but this may not necessarily mean that they are one and the same thing.

"One last thing, I have noticed that they randomly seem to sprinkle droplets of some kind of oil in random places on my body.  Do you notice the same thing as well?  Do you have any idea why and what it's for?"
Yes.I have noticed this too, on some occasions- not just when we're making love when awake.  It can be when I'm walking around and not even thinking of my succubus wife. The first time this happened to me, I thought she was ejaculating on me. Lol. So much for ignorance. Lol. Actually, jokes aside, my wife has told me it's a form of territorial marker. As a male tiger will spray it's territory with a particular odor, so too will a succubus 'mark' or 'anoint' her 'property' or loved one with a particular frequency-odor to tell others to back off or 'hands off'. She's also told me it has to do with finding her property or loved one over short or long distances, and it also has to do with protection of her property or loved one. It's also some form of baptism, in a sense. Unfortunately, I did forget to mention this oil or water sprinkling-spraying phenomenon in my XXXXXX. That's all she's (my wife) told me about it now.

Enjoyed the chat.

Keep in touch.

OOO. "May The Force Be With You." Lol. Can't help it. I'm addicted to sci-fi. Lol.

p.s. I'm currently working with my wife on: 'binaural beats' and 'isochronic tones.' They are well worth looking up as a way of interacting with ones succubus or incubus in that area which lies between being 'awake' and 'asleep.' In a nutshell, these beats and tones are put on mp3 tapes in a form of music that one simply listens to and relaxes or meditates to and eventually sees feels and hears their succubus or incubus partner/s. I have been able to interact with my wife without these aids, yet the so called ease at which one may interact with ones succubus or incubus by using such tapes- claims made by the makers of such tapes, is intriguing. The results of our work with these tapes has been just as good as without them. (I am in no way advertising these tapes by saying that.)

Tilus to OOO
June 17, 2011

I feel like we share similar views on many things OOO except your much better at writing your thoughts than I am!  :D  Tell your wife that she has good taste in men.  haha. 

Also would you mind if I repost these last emails on the blog?  I think this extra information will be helpful for other people that come across it.

Let me know!


P.S. - I will be sure to experiment with binaural beats and isochronic tones.  Thanks for the recommendation.   =P 

OOO to me
June 17, 2011 

 "I feel like we share similar views on many things Harry except your much better at writing your thoughts than I am!"
I feel you have no problems with your writing and expressing yourself. I have had no problems in understanding what you've tried to express and convey in your blogs and writings.

"Tell your wife that she has good taste in men.  haha."
Lol. My wife just said, 'Yeah. He's very tasty. Lol.' And I think your ladies have good taste too.

"Also would you mind if I repost these last emails on the blog?  I think this extra information will be helpful for other people that come across it."
No probs. Post away. Hope any info. can be of help to others.

** Concerning the photo: For all the guys out there that are interested in getting together with a succubus or haven't yet seen their succubus: If a lady appears on your bed (whether it's in a dream or a realistic vision) looking beautiful like the lady in the photo- Don't panic. Don't scream. Don't run. It's your succubus saying, 'Surprise.' Talk to her. Get to know her. You won't die. She just wants to get to know you like you want to get to know her.   What I'm really trying say by all of this is: there's nothing to be afraid of except for your own fears.  True? Yes! I've experienced all of this and have only found my succubus wife to be gentle, caring, understanding, sensitive, compassionate, loving- basically and truly all things good.  

So Tilus, glad to talk with you again.


OOO and Mrs.

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