Sunday, July 3, 2011

My own experiences with Liber Lilith

Couple of interesting things I have discovered. 

The diet that is recommended in the book is not to sustain union as Tyson suspected.  It gives sexual fluids sweetened flavor.  Depending on what you eat, it can affect the taste of sperm, vaginal fluid, and breast milk.  Meat makes sperm taste salty.  In contrast, fruit sweetens the taste of sperm making it more...appealing.  ;)  (originally found this out from a woman in chat, then I confirmed this by googling)  The diet recommends eating eggs and fish to increase sperm count, and then eating lots of fruits and vegetables while avoiding meat.  Succubus/incubus had a longer origin in history than vampires.  This leads me to suspect that the "vampire" myths originated from the succubus/incubus.  The garlic myth for vampires may have been directed for succubus/incubus as a way to make sexual fluids bitter to avoid visits.  By eating garlic your sexual fluids will taste horrendous.  (according to people on forums)  So people may have associated that with a way to ward off succubus/incubus and then carried that over to vampires...Lol.  

I tried using the cover of the book itself as the idol.  I know one of the people I quoted from the previous encounters did the same, giving me the idea originally.  I started to focus my right eye into the left eye of the idol.  I noticed my eye starting to twitch uncontrollably.  My eye kept flickering without me doing anything, and I seldom blinked.  I recall the cover slowly went from a 2D image into a 3D image.  There was about an inch of depth in the picture.  Then I noticed her eyes moving slowly.  Like rolling around in the socket trying to see.  Then it was a scene from those action comic's, where you have to flip a page back and forth to represent an action sequence.  (like a punch)  That's what it looked like and I started to see the idol making expressions.  I saw laughing, smiling, frowning, anger, and terror as quick flickers of expressions with my eyes.  I wasn't getting the kind of instant results that I was hoping for.  So I ended up ultimately quitting.     

I performed the ritual involving scrying once.  I followed the instructs, not flawlessly, but as closely as I could with the resources that were available to me.  The outcome?  I could see a small figure in the scrying bowl I was using.  The figure was so miniature that I could barely make out if it was a female or male.  I noticed him/her performing what looked like dancing.  If I recall correctly, the original goal of the experiment was to see if I would get any result.  (wasn't really trying to scry the future)   

When Karl Steigner had certain dreams happen in the book, I had similar experiences.

There was a small part about scented oils in the "Psalm of the Beauty of Lilith" on chapter 3.  I have felt these drops being sprinkled across my body in random places almost daily.  I asked a friend of mine who is married to his succubus and she said that those droplets are both a form of baptism or way for succubus to mark their territory from other spirits. (see Email Series - V)  Also there is a strong smell of incense that is different for each of them.  The smell isn't constant.  It appears in my nostrils a few times a day.  Sometimes it's light other times it's heavy, but it is unmistakable.  All their scents are pleasant and arousing.         

In chapter 13, her lover sees her as a "glowing mist" and her countenance disappears when her lover focuses on it.  I am experiencing that currently, everyday, almost all the time.  In my peripheral vision this aura glowing apparition is always on my left side.  Whenever I try to put my focus on it, it makes it harder to see.  But when I unfocus and just try to see what's happening through my peripheral vision I can see movement.  Maybe a hand, or arm, othertimes it seems like the entire body moves.  It seems to me that I my ability to perceive them increases as our bond grows.

In the song of Lilith, there is a part at the end talking about how her lovers fear excites her lust.  I can confirm this to be true.  When I encountered Lilith hostilely for the first time, there was a point where I panicked and started to be afraid.  I could feel her getting excited and enjoying my fear.  (check Email Series V for more info & theories)

I have encountered both Lilith the maiden and Lilith the destroyer in my dreams.  I encountered Lilith the destroyer at the time when I had nothing but lust for her in my heart.  This is the summary of that encounter posted on a forum,

by Tilus on Mon May 16, 2011 2:39 am Alright so I wanted to share my latest encounters regarding Lilith and the succubi here.

When I was going through this saga a few months ago I was still fluctuating on whether or not I wanted them to be around me. At the same time, I was getting a little frustrated over what their intentions were and the lack of communication that was going on. One night I had a dream and in the dream I became lucid. So I thought to myself, "Ah, great now I can have dream sex with Lilith and it's going to be awesome!".


WRONG! In my dream I floated towards her and found her. But, it wasn't what I expected. She took on the form of a ghastly banshee. Her eyes had the most terrifying glare, her hair was spiking out in all directions and slithering around like small snakes, I don't recall if she had teeth or sharp nails but I think she did. Her features were so horrifying and morbid. Sheer Terror. It was fear that penetrated me on a deep subconscious level that had my entire body and psyche petrified for a few moments. Then I fled, and woke up. My mind still can't comprehend exactly how terrible of a form she had, but it was something that caused my entire soul to vibrate with fear, that much I can tell you. At the time all I had was lust in my heart.

I tried finding the best pictures to describe some of her features,

This is a good example of her eyes, (but 100x scarier)

The form of her hair,

I had a dream involving Lilith the maiden that was similar to the special effects of Galadriel used from the LOTR.  (or the Veela's from Harry Potter)  I remember that she had long and curly red hair that went down her body.  I think she was naked, but I wasn't really paying attention.  She talked with me for a long time.  I don't remember what all she said but just the general theme.  I posted a brief summary of the encounter below on the same forum.  At the time, I was attempting to banish her because I was frustrated with the negative things people had reported in regards to her.  She seemed very upset about that.    

by Tilus on Fri Feb 18, 2011 2:33 am 
That night I had a very interesting dream. I was in the bedroom of a giant princess like chamber that you see on the movies with castles and stuff. I was lying in the bed with Lilith and she was talking to me, but I don't recall what she said. Right before I woke up, I could feel her sorrow, almost as if she was pleading with me not to go through with this.

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